Artist Statement
By Yui Ozaki ©︎2020
Yui Ozaki is always feeling she had become very tame with the language ‘she is a girl’ from those around her and become has admired and jealous of her lost penis.
She doesn't have doubts about her sexuality, just would like to regain her lost penis.
As those around her keep on told her ‘she is a girl’ and consequently forfeited her penis.
Also, To make a penis with a seamstress called a female’s job (kind of shadow work) looks and feels exactly like an industry for women.
Her works have sarcastic means to make her lost penis a long time ago with industry for women for herself.
Yui Ozaki is a heterosexual.
She loves males and the penis. That reason isn't a doomed words 'she is a girl'.
Or rather, she might just love her lost penis which she had in long-ago days.
Additionally, her artworks were influenced by American pop art in the 1960s and were expressed in kitsch and colorful textiles.
She thought American Pop Art which was defined by Richard Hamilton is Popular, Transient, Expendable, Low Cost, Mass Produced, and Witty and a penis that is consumed by society is resemble.
These are the reasons why the penis mentioned here has two meanings;
Firstly, it’s disposable tools to make children and the pleasure of the body.
Secondly, it is expended as a symbol of the male by society.
She is creating the theme of her works of consumer society and sexual symbols.