Hunting Penis Trophy
(W190×D200×H300mm/printing fabric, cotton, wooden board /2020)
(W190×D200×H300mm/printing fabric, cotton, wooden board /2020)
(W420×D380×H550mm/printing fabric, cotton, wooden board /2020)
(W190×D200×H300mm/printing fabric, cotton, wooden board /2020)
(Hunting Maminko Penis Trophy.)- From the mother's point of view.
For a mother, this penis expresses her son. She doesn’t know the size of her son’s penis. That's just a metaphor.
In other words, I'm thinking a lot of moms feel like her son is still an infant boy.
This tiny penis is very cute, pure, and stimulates my maternal instinct.
For mom, it’s cute mammy’s penis.
The concept is; mom is hanging her son as a hunting trophy in the room because she is always proud of her son who is a real man and sweet boy.
She doesn't know this situation his penis becomes erect.
However, if a man can use an only excretory organ isn’t ’t a full-grown man.
When he knows how to use his penis other than for excretory functions and can use it exactly, he is considered a full-grown man. Because of this,
this penis trophy became erect.
(Hunting Penis Trophy) - From a societal point of view.
For society, this penis expressed a normal adult penis.
A penis is a symbol of a male-dominated society, a lot of people who have a
penis proud of himself and has power over in his house. He hangs his penis trophy as the hunting trophy to demonstrate men's power. (※In this here; I assume that hunting trophy is a symbol of power.)
On the one hand, for women, she was hunting a man in the wild (in society) and tricks a man. Finally, she could get good accessories as a man. It's just a metaphor.
She hangs his penis trophy as the hunting trophy to feels superior to her male.
They don't know the idea of each other because, as Julius Caesar mentioned 'Men willingly believe what they wish to believe'.